A school for children with specific needs, providing inclusive education for children with learning difficulties. Inclusive education is provided for the children to build friendship and to have equitable opportunity. It helps the disabled child to learn and participate in meaningful ways. The specially designed materials help the child to cope & learn better, under their circumstances.
This helps the child to have access to the general education curriculum & manage the latter.
We provide holistic program for complete development of the special children. Our vision is to enhance the functional capabilities of children to achieve success in their academic, social, & at personal level.
We strive to empower children by finding remedies to their difficulties and try in enhancing their confidence by developing their potential, strengths and talent.
The children between age 2.5 to 6 yrs are provided practice with the Montessori materials for their development, in fine-motor skills, gross motor skills, eye hand coordination, sensory abilities, enrichment of vocabulary, pre-reading, pre-writing, arithmetic abilities, social, cultural, art& craft. The children above 6 yrs are provided with materials, worksheets, basic skills, strategies & remedial to curriculum base.